
2024: JGLM’s Year in Review

As another year winds down, we take pause to admire our clients’ accomplishments in 2024 — they never cease to amaze and inspire us with their work, and while we’re […]

Deal Announcement: NIMBY NATION by Jacob Anbinder

Bloomsbury has bought, at auction, in a six-figure deal, the debut work of political nonfiction from historian Jacob Anbinder. NIMBY Nation is tentatively slated for publication in Fall 2027. The […]

LET IT GLOW is a New York Times bestseller

Let It Glow, the debut middle grade novel from #1 New York Times bestselling author Marissa Meyer and award-winning author Joanne Levy, hit #2 on the New York Times bestseller list (Middle Grade Paperback) for […]

Deal Announcement: BODY COUNT by Codie Crowley

Disney-Hyperion will publish Body Count, the next novel from author Codie Crowley. Publication is planned for June 2026. Crowley’s debut Here Lies a Vengeful Bitch, a YA supernatural thriller, was […]